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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's been too long!

It's been a while now since I've actually had the time or energy to sit down and write. With my grandparents being in the hospital, my great grandma going to the hospital, and me getting a severe head cold, I just haven't had the energy. Things are better now, except for my cold. It's just nasty! I can finally hear somewhat today though. That's nice! My great grandma really isn't faring so well though. She's had congestive heart failure for several years, she's 97 years old. The drained the fluid off of her lungs and sent her back to the nursing home. They don't expect her to live much longer and she doesn't look very well. I am going to take Ryan up to meet her next week. I think it is really important that she meets the man I am going to marry and vice versa. I know she will approve.

Ryan and I adopted a new dog this past Thursday. He's adorable! I went to the shelter last week with no intention of getting a dog. I was just feeling a little bit down and wanted to play with some of the dogs. That always makes me feel better. I played for a while and as I was leaving I notice a scruffy little silver and brown dog in a kennel in the front office. I hadn't noticed him on the way in the building the first time. I asked about him and if I could play with him for a while. I took a couple pictures to show Ryan. He was so sweet and gentle. They told me he was a one year old pure bred shih-tzu. His previous owners had to leave him at the shelter because they were military and they were getting deployed, so they couldn't take him with them. He looked nothing like a shih-tzu because his hair was so long, matted, and dirty. I really loved playing with him! I called Ryan after I left and told him about him and how much fun I had. To my surprise, Ryan told me to turn around and go pick him up! I wasn't expecting that at all! So, I went right back to the shelter, filled out the paper work, and took him home with me. His previous owners named him Junior.... yea, we weren't going to call him that! We really didn't know what to call him, but we asked around for ideas. We got stuck on names from the TV show, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia because we watch it all the time. Now we have a new dog named Mac!

When I got him home I cut off the matted fur and gave him a bath. He did really well with it all and was so happy after he got dried off. We played for a couple hours and showed him were he is allowed in the house. Ryan came home and really liked him and his temperament. Didymus, our pug, wasn't so sure about having another dog at first, but he warmed up to him quickly. Well, that is as long as we were giving him the most attention! He's the baby and he knows it! We took Didymus and Mac to the groomers on Saturday. Mac was not the same dog at all that he was when he went in!! It was clear now that he was a shih-tzu, he finally looked like one! He seemed incredibly happy that all that long, dirty hair was gone and he could see with the hair cut out of his eyes.

Now we are just working on housebreaking him, it seems to be pretty difficult while it's so cold and the ground is covered in snow. I can't say that I blame him though. He did manage to destroy my Master's degree diploma that I just got though. Not too happy about that one! Guess I will just have to order a new one! He has also developed a really bad cough and coughing up some nasty stuff I won't explain. We're pretty sure he has kennel cough. If it isn't better in a couple days we are going to take him to the vet. Well, we need to anyway to have him checked and get his vaccinations.

Work seems to be going pretty well right now. The boys in my group are going great and making a lot of progress. The "warden" is up to her usual tricks. She came into my dorm tonight just to "remind" me that we only get two fifteen minute breaks a night per policy. I just looked at her and replied, "yea, I know. is there a reason you're telling me this?" She didn't have an answer to that. I finally got frustrated enough I left a letter for the facility managers about her behaviors. I'm fed up and I know so many coworkers are as well. She is a horrible group leader and every time she works the morale plummets. She's just out to get anyone in trouble for anything she can possible think of. I just can't stand people like that. I really wish some people could just learn to be happy, stop trying to bring others down. Ah, what am I saying.... that will never happen! I can, however, remove myself from that job and get something worthy of my education and experience. I am in the process of applying for jobs now though. I am aggressively searching out new employment. I want out of there by the summer. I can't wait to be a supervisor for once and not be on the bottom of the hierarchy. It will be a relief and it will be something higher paid!

Well, this is getting a little long for one entry so I'm out of here for tonight. Until, next time, bye-bye!

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