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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 29 Survey

How many weeks are you?
29 weeks 0 days

How many pregnancy tests have you taken so far?
I took 6 total. The first 3 were negative. The 4th was positive, but so faint I took the 5th, which was a digital test. We took the 6th test just for fun so my husband could watch the lines pop up himself!

How many pregnancies have you had?
2, we lost our first pregnancy at 5 weeks.

Have your symptoms gone away and come back at all?
Not really. Some of the symptoms mostly went away, but still they come back from time to time. I still get random nausea, but it is nothing like it was in the 1st trimester.

Have you had any bleeding at all?
Yes, I had two bleeding scares in the first trimester. Once at 6 weeks and the other at 7 weeks.

Have you seen a heart beat? If so what week?
Yes! We've "seen" it on the ultrasound a few times and listen to the heartbeat on the doppler often. The first time we "saw" the heartbeat was at 6w5d. The first time we heard that heartbeat was around 11 weeks.

Do you enjoy being pregnant?
Hmmm... it's a toss up to be honest. I love feeling him move around and listening to his heartbeat. I like how I look pregnant, but I certainly do not like how I feel pregnant. My body hurts most of the time, I get heartburn and nausea, and I am so tired. I also love how my husband looks at me. He is fascinated by my body right now.

Have you told everyone you know? If so do you wish you didn't?
Of course! We are pretty far along in the pregnancy for people not to know! It's obvious just by looking at me! We told everyone around 8 weeks, but my family and close friends knew around 6 weeks.

Do you feel pregnant?
Very much so! My belly has gotten huge in the last few weeks and I waddle like a penguin! It is becoming difficult to do things such as tying my shoes or change clothes. I get out of breath easy and it is getting painful to get out of bed.

Did your belly start to grow? If so when?
Oh yes! We definitely went through a huge growth spurt a couple weeks ago and I think it is happening again now! I can no longer hide this belly at all!

How many children do you think you would like?
After this, we would like one more. Hopefully the next baby will be a girl and then we're done!

Week 29 Mom & Baby Information

Week Twenty Nine: Movement is more forceful

You are 29 weeks pregnant. (fetal age 27 weeks)
  • Your baby now weighs about 2 and a half pounds (1150gm)
  • and is about 15 inches (38.5cm) long from head to heel.
  • Brain is busy developing billions of neurons.
  • Baby's muscles and lungs are continuing to mature.
  • The fetus can taste and respond to pain.
  • The milk teeth have developed under the gums.
29 weeks  kickingThe baby's head is growing bigger to accommodate the brain, which is busy developing billions of neurons. The eyes can move in their sockets. They may be able to follow a blinking light. As well as your baby's increasing sensitivity to changes in light, they may also be able to taste. Various studies show that your baby may indicate preferences or dislike for particular tastes at this stage.

Baby is also moving from side to side, but probably still is head up. In the next few weeks, they will move to the head down birthing position. At times you may feel as if baby is performing somersaults for an olympic gold medal. Baby may be performing fewer movements because living conditions in the womb are becoming more cramped. The baby is still doing a lot of kicking and stretching. Some of your baby's kicks and punches may even take your breath away.

Baby hears things better from the vibrations all around, and can now distinguish real sounds and voices. Do not forget to continue to 'teach' your baby in the womb by exposing them to music, literature, and simply talking to them. At this stage baby eyes are almost always blue and can distinguish bright sunlight or artificial light through the uterine wall.

At week twenty nine, your baby measures about 11 inches (28 cm) from crown to rump, or a total length of about 15 inches (38cm) from head to heel, and weighs about 2.5 pounds (1150gm)


Your baby's very active now. Your healthcare provider may ask you to spend some time each day counting kicks and will give you specific instructions on how to do this. Let your provider know if you ever notice that your baby is becoming less active. You may need a nonstress test or biophysical profile to check on your baby's condition.

Some old friends — heartburn and constipation — may take center stage now. The pregnancy hormone progesterone relaxes smooth muscle tissue throughout your body, including your gastrointestinal tract. This relaxation, coupled with the crowding in your abdomen, slows digestion. Sluggish digestion can cause gas and heartburn — especially after a big meal — and contribute to constipation.

Your growing uterus may also be contributing to hemorrhoids. These swollen blood vessels in your rectal area are common during pregnancy. Fortunately, they usually clear up in the weeks after giving birth.

If they're itchy or painful, try soaking in a sitz bath or applying cold compresses medicated with witch hazel to the affected area. Avoid sitting or standing for long stretches. Talk with your provider before using any over-the-counter remedies during pregnancy, and let your provider know if you have any rectal bleeding. To prevent constipation, eat a high-fiber diet, drink plenty of water, and get some regular exercise.

Some women get something called "supine hypotensive syndrome" during pregnancy. This happens when lying flat on your back causes a change in heart rate and blood pressure that makes you feel dizzy until you change position. You might notice that you feel lightheaded if you stand up too quickly, too. To avoid "the spins," lie on your side rather than your back, and move slowly as you go from lying down to sitting and then standing.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Just a note.

Well, it's hard to believe another week has passed me by. I'm 27 now and 29 weeks pregnant. My birthday went well, much different than my birthday celebrations in the past however! It was nice to not wake up feeling like crap this year though. I started out the day with an OB appointment. The midwife did the routine fundal height measurement and said I was measuring perfectly. They told me to gain some weight though, because I lost 2 pounds since my last appointment. I can't help it, food has not been my friend during the pregnancy and then I got a stomach bug on top of it. I've only gained 9 pounds so far and I know it's mostly the baby. My appetite is getting much stronger now so I know that's a good thing. I am fairly sure I'll only gain 15 or so pounds total during the entire pregnancy. I guess that will make it much easier to lose the weight after Eric is born.

Well, after that we listened to the heartbeat on the doppler again and it was measuring the normal 130-140 the whole time. Then I got the lovely news that I would need to go have my glucose screen. I knew that was coming, but I wasn't expecting to do it on my birthday! Oh well. So, we went over to the hospital, I drank the orange drink, and we left for an hour. I tried to nap in the truck, but Ryan kept playing his music too loud and I really didn't sleep. We went back in, had the blood drawn, and we were done. I went home after that and napped until it was time to get ready for dinner. We went to dinner at Kobe's Japanese Steakhouse. It was awesome as usual! My mom, Beth, Joel, Charis, Ryan, and Stephanie joined me for dinner. It was really nice and laid back, just what I wanted! My mom and sister got me some maternity tank tops that I desperately needed and a whole bag of awesome baby clothes. Eric is going to look quite handsome!

After dinner we went to the mall and exchanged my perfume and got our wedding rings checked before heading home. It was a really simple evening, but I spent it with the people I love. That made me happy. I now get to make an appointment for the 9o minute prenatal massage that Ryan got me for my birthday. I can't wait!! That is going to feel so amazing and probably will make my back feel a lot better.

Ryan left Friday for TDY in Las Vegas. He'll be gone 3.5 weeks. I bawled my eyes out when he got in the truck to leave that morning. I hate telling him goodbye. This will be the longest we've ever been apart since we started dating 2 years ago. Thankfully we get to talk to one another and text several times a day. It helps to know that he misses me just as much as I miss him. Also, I'm glad it's just 3 weeks, not a full blown deployment. I'm grateful for that. He'll be home just in time for his 27th birthday, so I'm trying to plan something nice for us to do. This is our last set of birthdays that we'll ever spend as just husband and wife. From now on, our lives will be focused around our children. Just need ideas for something memorable!

Tomorrow I get to see my nephew via ultrasound for the first time! I am so excited to see this little guy, I know he's going to be just as amazing as his big sister is. I still can't believe that our son and my nephew are due only 3 weeks apart. We seriously couldn't have do that again if we tried! I imagine my nephew will be born much closer to our son though since my niece was born 3 weeks early. It is going to be one amazing summer!

Well, I guess I'll post the week 29 baby info now!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week 28 Mom & Baby Information

28 Weeks Pregnant

Future mom

From now on you will have to visit your doctor or midwife at least once every two weeks. This is the week that you need to give a number of tests and analysis including the test for iron level in your blood and sample for tolerance of glucose. If you have got a negative Rhesus factor then you need a test for antibodies. This test must show the presence of antibodies in your blood against the baby’s blood, which is whether if there are any immunological reactions of your blood in relation to the baby’s blood. Such reactions can cause problems with the subsequent pregnancies, and your future children could be born with jaundice. Approach your doctor for consultation. Continue taking calcium, it is necessary for growth of the baby’s bones. Discuss your birth plan with your doctor
Maintain your straight posture so not to put pressure on the spinal cord.
The veins on the chest show distinctly.
The top edge of the uterus is in the middle of umbilical cord and breastbone.
The first milk might be released from your breasts, but if you don’t have it yet, do not worry it is the sign that you will have less milk and can’t breastfeed the baby.
Fat tissues accumulate on the stomach, on the hips and on the testicles.

our baby.

If the baby is born this week, he legally would be considered as a human being who is subject for registration. The brain’s cerebral cortex has developed the brain mass continues to increase. Hair on the head grows longer.
Accumulation of fat continues and now your child is big enough to prepare for coming to the world. He could be resting inside the uterus with either head forward or with legs forward. But he has sufficient space in the uterus to properly turn himself with head forward, during the remaining two months. Do not worry if he has not done so yet.
You have entered to the finish line; three months left until birth. It might seem to you that you have become clumsy and absent-minded. During these months the baby continues to collect the baby fat. He is active and you can clearly feel his movements. If the birth takes place now, your child can survive.

Baby grows

The baby now uses the whole set of senses: sight, hearing, taste and touch. At this age he starts to recognize the mother’s voice. The baby performs the first elementary respiratory movements. His skin thickens and becomes more similar to the skin of a newborn. If the birth takes place during this period, it would be considered as a premature birth and the doctors could be able to help your child survive.
The skin is still red and wrinkled but the fat is accumulating under it.
The decisive stage for development of the brain’s cerebral cortex has come. A seven month old baby feels the pain and reacts the same way as a mature baby would do.
There are more taste buds on his tongue now than when they are at birth; he can distinguish various tastes and flavors.
The lungs are not completely formed. The surfactant, a substance that prevents the alveolus into falling off of into the respiratory system hasn’t been formed yet.
Your husband can feel the baby’s movements and even see the outlines and contours of his body when child rolls over.
Hearing is well-developed.
The face and the body are covered with first born protective oiling.
The eyes can open.
The eyelashes are growing thicker and longer.
If you got a boy, his testicles will probably drop down to the scrotum this week.

Baby length and weight

Length from crown to sacrum – approximately 13.78 inches.
Weight - approximately 2.2 lbs.

Weight gain

in the last three months
during this time you probably will gain about 8.82 lbs, that’s 30-40% of the total weight increase. The optimal weight gain by the 28th week: 19.84 lbs.

Week 28 Survey

About the mommy!
Name: Callie

Age: 27

First child? yep!

About the daddy!
Name: Ryan

Age: 26

First child? yep!

Finding out!!
What day did you find out? September 1st, 2010

How did you feel when you found out? At first I was scared to death, I cried, and then I was overjoyed!

Who was with you? My 4 year old niece and my older brother.

Who was the first person you told? My older brother because he was there at the house when I took the test.

How did they react? He smiled really big and said, "My baby sister is going to have a baby!"

How did the daddy react? He said, "That's awesome babe!" He was very happy from the very beginning.

Telling the grandparents!
How did your parents react? My mom was thrilled which I knew she would be. I was worried my dad would be upset since we weren't married yet, but he just kept saying, "Wow! Wow! That's great!"

How did his parents react? They were excited for us, but very surprised!

Are they helping with baby names? No we picked them out on our own and they liked what we chose.

Have they bought anything for the baby yet? Yes, baby clothes so far.

How often do they call to check on you? My dad calls me daily, mom weekly, his parents call weekly.

About the pregnancy!
When was your first appointment? September 23, 2010.

When is your due date? May 10th, 2011

How far along are you? 28 weeks, 2 days

Pre-pregnancy weight? 131

Weight now? 140

Have you had an ultrasound? Yes, I've had four. One dating ultrasound, two for complications, and the anatomy scan. We'll be going in for the 3D/4D next month.

Have you heard the heartbeat? Many times! We purchased a fetal heart doppler so we can listen to the baby at home. We also hear it each time we have a doctor's appointment.

What was the heartbeat? It varies each time, but usually in the 130-140bpm range.

Sex of the baby!
What do you want? I wanted a boy first.

What does the daddy want? Ryan wanted a boy first also.

What do you think you are having? I was convinced the entire time we were having a boy.

Have you had your big ultrasound yet? Yes, we had it December 21st, 2010.

If so, what are you having? It's a BOY!!

Are you happy with what you are having? Very much so! We are thrilled to be having a baby boy, but a little girl would have been just as wonderful too!

About the birth!
Do you know what you are taking with you? Clothes for Ryan and I, the baby's take home outfit, my pillow and blanket, hygiene items, cameras, and phones/chargers.

Who is going to be with you? Ryan, my mom, and my sister will be in the delivery room with me. The rest of our family and friends will be in the waiting room.

Are you going to videotape it? Possibly, but just from right after he is born, no bloody shots!

Natural or medicated? More than likely I'll be using medication due to my spinal condition.

Do u think you will need a c-section? I seriously hope not, I don't want anything to do with that!

Will you cry when you hold your baby for the first time? I can almost guarantee that I will. I was emotional before I got pregnant and I cry just thinking about seeing him for the first time.

Do you know what you will say to the baby when you first hold him/her? I can't say for sure, but I imagine I'll tell him how much I love him and welcome to the world.

Are you scared about the labor? Not really, it is inevitable so why worry right now?

Do you have a name picked out? Yes

Girl names... It might have been Adrianna

Boy names... Eric

Is your baby going to be named after someone? His middle name will be after my husband.

Other random questions!!
Where was your baby conceived? That's for my husband and I to know and no one else! Thank you very much!

Have you felt the baby move? Yes, I felt him for the first time at 15.5 weeks.

Do you have stretch marks? Little tiny ones, but the are flesh colored.

What was your first symptom? Running to the bathroom all the time and nausea

What religion will the baby know? And from what side? Baptist from my side of the family, but he is free to learn about whatever he chooses.

What music or interests do you want the baby to know? Anything he enjoys. He will be introduced to a wide variety of musical styles between my husband, myself, and our families.

Will your baby have Godparents? Yes, my best friend and my husband's friend.

Who will the God mommy be? Steph

Who will the God daddy be? Justin

What is the baby's room theme? Geometric circles in blues, greens, and browns

What was the first thing you bought for the baby? I bought him a tiny little star onsie. I love stars and I was so excited just to buy something!

Are you ready to be a mommy? I think so! I still have some things I need to get done before he gets here, but I know once he's here we'll be ready!

About the mommy!
Name: Callie

Age: 27

First child? yep!

About the daddy!
Name: Ryan

Age: 26

First child? yep!

Finding out!!
What day did you find out? September 1st, 2010

How did you feel when you found out? At first I was scared to death, I cried, and then I was overjoyed!

Who was with you? My 4 year old niece and my older brother.

Who was the first person you told? My older brother because he was there at the house when I took the test.

How did they react? He smiled really big and said, "My baby sister is going to have a baby!"

How did the daddy react? He said, "That's awesome babe!" He was very happy from the very beginning.

Telling the grandparents!
How did your parents react? My mom was thrilled which I knew she would be. I was worried my dad would be upset since we weren't married yet, but he just kept saying, "Wow! Wow! That's great!"

How did his parents react? They were excited for us, but very surprised!

Are they helping with baby names? No we picked them out on our own and they liked what we chose.

Have they bought anything for the baby yet? Yes, baby clothes so far.

How often do they call to check on you? My dad calls me daily, mom weekly, his parents call weekly.

About the pregnancy!
When was your first appointment? September 23, 2010.

When is your due date? May 10th, 2011

How far along are you? 28 weeks, 2 days

Pre-pregnancy weight? 131

Weight now? 140

Have you had an ultrasound? Yes, I've had four. One dating ultrasound, two for complications, and the anatomy scan. We'll be going in for the 3D/4D next month.

Have you heard the heartbeat? Many times! We purchased a fetal heart doppler so we can listen to the baby at home. We also hear it each time we have a doctor's appointment.

What was the heartbeat? It varies each time, but usually in the 130-140bpm range.

Sex of the baby!
What do you want? I wanted a boy first.

What does the daddy want? Ryan wanted a boy first also.

What do you think you are having? I was convinced the entire time we were having a boy.

Have you had your big ultrasound yet? Yes, we had it December 21st, 2010.

If so, what are you having? It's a BOY!!

Are you happy with what you are having? Very much so! We are thrilled to be having a baby boy, but a little girl would have been just as wonderful too!

About the birth!
Do you know what you are taking with you? Clothes for Ryan and I, the baby's take home outfit, my pillow and blanket, hygiene items, cameras, and phones/chargers.

Who is going to be with you? Ryan, my mom, and my sister will be in the delivery room with me. The rest of our family and friends will be in the waiting room.

Are you going to videotape it? Possibly, but just from right after he is born, no bloody shots!

Natural or medicated? More than likely I'll be using medication due to my spinal condition.

Do u think you will need a c-section? I seriously hope not, I don't want anything to do with that!

Will you cry when you hold your baby for the first time? I can almost guarantee that I will. I was emotional before I got pregnant and I cry just thinking about seeing him for the first time.

Do you know what you will say to the baby when you first hold him/her? I can't say for sure, but I imagine I'll tell him how much I love him and welcome to the world.

Are you scared about the labor? Not really, it is inevitable so why worry right now?

Do you have a name picked out? Yes

Girl names... It might have been Adrianna

Boy names... Eric

Is your baby going to be named after someone? His middle name will be after my husband.

Other random questions!!
Where was your baby conceived? That's for my husband and I to know and no one else! Thank you very much!

Have you felt the baby move? Yes, I felt him for the first time at 15.5 weeks.

Do you have stretch marks? Little tiny ones, but the are flesh colored.

What was your first symptom? Running to the bathroom all the time and nausea

What religion will the baby know? And from what side? Baptist from my side of the family, but he is free to learn about whatever he chooses.

What music or interests do you want the baby to know? Anything he enjoys. He will be introduced to a wide variety of musical styles between my husband, myself, and our families.

Will your baby have Godparents? Yes, my best friend and my husband's friend.

Who will the God mommy be? Steph

Who will the God daddy be? Justin

What is the baby's room theme? Geometric circles in blues, greens, and browns

What was the first thing you bought for the baby? I bought him a tiny little star onsie. I love stars and I was so excited just to buy something!

Are you ready to be a mommy? I think so! I still have some things I need to get done before he gets here, but I know once he's here we'll be ready!