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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Week 25 Survey

*When is your due date?
May 10th, 2011

*What week are you in?
Week 25

*What was your weight pre-pregnancy?

*What is your current weight?

*Have you had an ultrasound?
I've had 4

*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what?
Yes! He's all baby boy!

*Do you have a name picked out? What?
Yes, his name is Eric Ryan

*Is the child being named after someone?
His middle name is after my husband

*Who is going to be with you during delivery?
Ryan, my sister, and my mom will be in the delivery room with me.

*Natural or medicated childbirth?
Medicated. Of course I would prefer unmedicated, but with my spinal condition, I don't believe that is going to be possible. I will probably require some sort of medication to keep me in control of my own body. I would also like to note, just because I plan to be medicated, that doesn't make it an "unnatural" birth. He's still coming out the way babies always have, it is natural! I don't believe there is any such thing as unnatural when it comes to bringing a life into this world, even a cesarean section.

*How are you feeling right about now?
I'm decent today. I've been up and down emotionally all day, but that usually doesn't last very long. I'm sure I'll be good as gold tomorrow. Physically, my back/hip still hurts. I go see the doctor tomorrow and I start physical therapy next week, so I am hopeful for that! When I think about my little one though, I am so happy and in love!

*What was the first thing you bought for baby?
I bought him a star onsie, well actually I bought it for Ryan to help him get used to the idea that we had a baby on the way! We had no idea what we were having at the time, but I love stars, so I got a simple white onsie with little blue stars.

*Do you feel you are ready to have a baby?
I think so. We certainly weren't expecting this, but now that we've had time to prepare we are really excited. We've been buying things and looking for a larger house to move to. Everything is set up for the baby shower and we only need to get a car seat to have all the necessities. I am nervous about becoming a mother, but I know once he's here I won't want it any other way.

*Are you excited or scared about delivery?
Before I was pregnant the thought of giving birth terrified me! Now, it really doesn't phase me that much. I know it is going to be painful and uncomfortable, but it is just a means to an end. When all of that is over, we'll be holding our baby boy in our arms. Mind over matter and they have good drugs! Ha!

*Any food cravings?
Right now I'm all about orange juice! It is the first thing I want when I wake up in the morning.

*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore?
Not really, well spicy food, but that's just because it gives me heartburn.

* Anything else you'd like to share or vent about?
Baby Eric now plays a game with us! If we push on my belly, he will kick our hands! I'm so glad Ryan is able to feel him now, it makes him so excited and happy!

Week 25 Baby Information

Future mom

Your uterus now has increased to the size of a football, it already pushes against the diaphragm, the hypochondriac region and disturbs the stomach. All these factors together with the influence of progesterone that slows down the work of the stomach lead to the rise of digestive juice from time to time through the esophagus causing heartburn, especially after a large meal.

You still feel good during this period. Now you will be seeing your doctor more often than before.

Your baby

You can hear the baby’s heartbeats for several weeks now. Doctors can hear it well with the help of a stethoscope or a special tube. But it is possible to hear the heartbeats without any special devices; for example if your husband puts his ear to your stomach in a quiet room.

The baby’s sex is finally established. The boy’s testicles start to descend to the scrotum when the girl’s vagina takes shape.

His fingers now have the dexterity to be pressed in fists. His preference one of the hands now makes the distinction between a future right-handed and a left-handed person. The very same unique pattern that is well-known as fingerprints in dactyloscopy is taking shape. By now the baby has established a special mode for sleeping and wakefulness. He lets you know when he is awake by kicking and pushing, especially during those hours when you really want to rest or sleep.

The child becomes more and more dexterous and can already grab his own leg. He has probably already decided for himself whether he will be a right-handed person or a left-handed one. The growth of the bones continues.

Fetus length and weight

Length from crown to sacrum - approximately 12 inches.
Weight - approximately 25 ounces.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Week 24 Baby Update

How your baby's growing:

Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts him at just over a pound. Since he's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), he cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out proportionally and he'll soon start to plump up. His brain is also growing quickly now, and his taste buds are continuing to develop. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. His skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.

Well, here we are at 24w,3d! We found out the week before Christmas that we are expecting a little boy May 10th! We are so thrilled to be having a little boy and we have picked out his name already. We just haven't shared it with many yet. He is a very active little guy and he is constantly moving. I'm smitten with him already! We've started getting gifts and baby gear for him already. We even got a free crib, stroller, and bassinet. People have been so generous. My shower is at the end of March and my best friend is throwing that for me. I can't wait to see everyone again. It's really hard to believe that in about 15 more weeks, this little one will be in my arms instead of my stomach. I can't wait to see his sweet little face though.

We're actively looking for a new house to rent. This one just isn't big enough for the three of us and two dogs. We have found a few places that we're going to call about next week, so hopefully that works out for us.

I'm also really anxious to find out what my sister is having. I probably forgot to mention that she is expecting and is due 3 weeks after me! I am so happy for them, since they were trying for so long, and had almost given up. The last ultrasound they had looked like it was a boy, but they couldn't be certain with the position of the umbilical cord. They go back in two weeks to look again. How crazy would it be that after the last 6 babies born in our family, the next 3 will be boys! It's so awesome to think how fun the holidays are going to be next year with all the little babies around. Well, I have to run for now. I'm going to do my best to update this every week from here on out. Until then, adios!

Week 24 survey!

1)Due date and how far along are you? I'm due May 10th and I am 24w3d!

2)How/When did you first find out? We found out September 1, 2010. I had no clue I was pregnant, a pharmacy tech said my insurance company said I was pregnant, so out of curiosity I took a test. It was positive!

3)What was your first reaction? I cried and I was shocked. I wasn't expecting that at all! After a few minutes I was extremely excited!

3)Are you having a boy, girl, or keeping it a surprise? a baby boy!

4)Name/s you have picked out? Yes, but we aren't sharing just yet

5)Favorite part of this pregnancy? Seeing him on the ultrasound, hearing his heartbeat, feeling his kicks/hits

6)Least favorite part of this pregnancy? Horrible back pain, severe nausea in the beginning, and acne... I feel 15 again!

7)Biggest worry or fear about labor? Surprisingly I'm not worried about labor. Before I was pregnant the idea terrified me. Now, I know it is just a means to an end and as soon as it's over my baby boy will be in my arms. Also, I'm opting for pain meds due to my spinal condition.

8)Delivery method: VBAC, C-section, water birth, vaginal w/o pain meds, vaginal with pain meds, etc.? Vaginal with pain meds

9)Are you OK with what you have gained so far?(weight is a touchy subject so feel free to skip this if you want!). I've gained 10 pounds in 6 months. I couldn't gain weight for anything until a couple weeks ago, so I'm very pleased with my progress.

10)How was your morning sickness/How long did it last? It lasted until about 17 weeks. It was awful and I was put on a prescription so I could keep something in my stomach. I am SO glad that part is over!