How many weeks are you?
29 weeks 0 days
How many pregnancy tests have you taken so far?
I took 6 total. The first 3 were negative. The 4th was positive, but so faint I took the 5th, which was a digital test. We took the 6th test just for fun so my husband could watch the lines pop up himself!
How many pregnancies have you had?
2, we lost our first pregnancy at 5 weeks.
Have your symptoms gone away and come back at all?
Not really. Some of the symptoms mostly went away, but still they come back from time to time. I still get random nausea, but it is nothing like it was in the 1st trimester.
Have you had any bleeding at all?
Yes, I had two bleeding scares in the first trimester. Once at 6 weeks and the other at 7 weeks.
Have you seen a heart beat? If so what week?
Yes! We've "seen" it on the ultrasound a few times and listen to the heartbeat on the doppler often. The first time we "saw" the heartbeat was at 6w5d. The first time we heard that heartbeat was around 11 weeks.
Do you enjoy being pregnant?
Hmmm... it's a toss up to be honest. I love feeling him move around and listening to his heartbeat. I like how I look pregnant, but I certainly do not like how I feel pregnant. My body hurts most of the time, I get heartburn and nausea, and I am so tired. I also love how my husband looks at me. He is fascinated by my body right now.
Have you told everyone you know? If so do you wish you didn't?
Of course! We are pretty far along in the pregnancy for people not to know! It's obvious just by looking at me! We told everyone around 8 weeks, but my family and close friends knew around 6 weeks.
Do you feel pregnant?
Very much so! My belly has gotten huge in the last few weeks and I waddle like a penguin! It is becoming difficult to do things such as tying my shoes or change clothes. I get out of breath easy and it is getting painful to get out of bed.
Did your belly start to grow? If so when?
Oh yes! We definitely went through a huge growth spurt a couple weeks ago and I think it is happening again now! I can no longer hide this belly at all!
How many children do you think you would like?
After this, we would like one more. Hopefully the next baby will be a girl and then we're done!
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